Sunday, August 28, 2005

From the Cutting Room Floor: A Makeover Show

Usually the friends and family on these shows look like they themselves could host the show. Everyone the guest/victim knows is entirely too civilized. Granted we all have that one friend that had a mullet all through the 90's and kind of smells funny, but that friend also always has several friends that you'd rather not hang out with. These shows don't show them. Now whenever I watch one of these shows I'm always looking for them. After all isn't it the real mark of a friend to accept you the way you are. I'm more interested in what their “dirty friends” look and sound like. I want to see their tapes.

Maybe some would look like this:

Mullet Man: When we was in college we'd be bangin' chicks like no tomorrow but he's just done lost it. I's need my wingman back.

Dad (to someone off camera): Are you going to make my boy a dandy?
Dad (to the camera): Son, don't you let them touch you down there. They'll tell you it's normal, but it ain't!

Grandma: What? (That's all she says. Maybe add in a "Would you like a piece of chocolate?")

Ol' Three Tooth: The garage coworker. Covered in grease and nasty. He does lots of giggling and more smiling than it's right for someone with so few teeth.
Well, that's some of the ones I would like to see. What would you like to see? Post some characters or things they might say.

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