Monday, August 22, 2005


First things first, what is this blog? All things to all people? That might be a bit too ambitious, lets start a little smaller.

Steal this Idea!
This is an ongoing challenge (for bragging rights at this point) and an exercise to help people get past writers block. I'll give a simple, strange, yet hopefully always interesting plot twist or premise. The best short (500 to 2000 words, but I'm not actually going to count) story will be printed here and eventually I expect to be able to award prizes. Crappy early prizes (like bragging rights) will be upgradable at a later time so if you write something spectacular before we start giving out goodies you will not be forgotten.

Tea tales
I have been a fan of Tea (Yes, the drink, but if that's your bands name and that's how you got here no hard feelings.) for quite a while now and have found some very odd true stories about drinking, transporting, discovering, and even suicide related to Tea (although the last is bit loosely related). I plan to share as many as possible and welcome you to do the same.

Do you deserve a cup of Tea?
I'm working on a quiz generator that asks this very question. It will have trivia based on Tea and if you know the answer - You do deserve a cup of Tea. Small in concept but the questions will tend more to the obscure rather than mundane. Less of: "How long should you brew Oolong?" More of: "What caused Japanese Tea drinker Ichero to state 'Ah! This is a degenerate age! I will have no more to do with it.' and commit suicide via starvation?"

Around the web, around the brain
I tend to get around the web (as do we all) and come across things that are interesting from time to time. They don't always fit in with this web page nor do they warrant creating a new one but are interesting enough to share. Sometimes they'll just be from the more local cobwebs of my mind. After all you can't have a blog with out a little ranting, self discovery, and philosophical conversations in the third person. Thankfully I'm quite a bit past the whole "What if we're all just someone else dream?" so it shouldn't be too painful for you.

Disclaimer: If it looks like things around here suck at first, remember it's all purposefully done to prolong your enjoyment.

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