Sunday, October 16, 2005

Funny thing of October 16, 2005

Today we get to start a new thing. I'm going to end my day by sharing the funniest thing to happen that day. This doesn't mean that they will always be funny just the funniest thing of the day. Here's to not having boring days.

Today it was a simple coincidence. I was hanging out with some friends at Red Robin (nasty) and ran into someone I once worked with. No, that's not very funny is it? OK, how about the fact that the person I ran into was fired from that place? Add to that my having been fired from that place. Funny yet? Let's go one farther and add that the friend that I was hanging out with was hired as the replacement for the fired person I ran into and was also fired. Now it's getting funny, but there is a little more. The friend I was with's first day should have been two days after the person I was running into's last day but the temp agency failed to fire her twice and she wound up coming in for two more days. An awkward moment followed that last day along the lines of "Uh, anyone notice we have one more employee than places to sit? Duck. Duck. Goose!"

OK if I still haven't managed to make you at least smile here's the piece that makes it come full circle. When I mentioned that I was starting a new assignment on Monday it turned out that the person who I was running into's husband happened to be the hiring manager at the place. Lets hope it's a good omen rather than a bad one.

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