Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Christmas 2007 - A Damn Near White Christmas

I've lived in "Snow Country" for six and a half years and this is the closest I've come to having a White Christmas. I've had plenty of snow around the holiday, getting snow the day before and the day after, but crystal clear on the actual day. I'm plenty old enough to understand that it won't actually make the day any better, dry turkey won't magically start sweating on the table, Grandma's mug of Eggnog won't fill itself, like the magic medicine bottle she acts like it is and that doorbell won't ring with that long lost friend/relative you were just talking about on the other side.

We got a couple hours of snow but it was those tiny flakes that people in California would talk about for years, I myself remember it snowing exactly twice in my life down in San Jose, once in 78 or 79 and again almost exactly 10 years later. It never stuck to the ground and I didn't even get to make a snowball but it was so outrageous that I know I'll remember it for quite a few more years.

When it got dark it snowed for another half hour and it was just enough to stick to the tops of the cars in the parking lot. Still not quite enough snow to get away calling it a White Christmas but the tiny hand prints on the roofs of the cars show that some little kids got lifted up by their parents to scoop off a handful or two to throw around tells me that it'll be good enough for them for quite a few years.

Merry Christmas,


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