Test Your Luck at the Next Pot Luck
This has been around for a few years but it's been a while since it stumbled into my realm of thought. If you haven't a clue what to bring for all those office pot lucks that pop up around this time of year here's a way to guarantee your contribution is the most talked about.

It's worth just googling the phrase kitty litter cake to see the pictures that people have taken. This was my favorite so it's the one I linked to. The one with the cat cringing in horror is also quite nice.
And please, PLEASE(!!!) remember that "NEW" is the key word for this particular recipe.
digg story
I wonder how many people actually tried that cake...
Heh, kind of reminds me of that "flower pot" cake.
The "flower pot cake" is a much cuter idea. The kitty litter cake is among the more disgusting things I have ever innocently encountered...Imagine my shock looking at the photo without looking at the headline or captions...It made me look 2-3x...
The flower pot cake is quite nice now that I've seen it but I really have to say that this one takes the...
hmmmmmm wish my cats would cook me up somethin' like that
(this isn't greg :)
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